Thursday, January 18, 2007

Brand Relaunch of S4C

S4C is the welsh language channel, broadcast across Wales, Internet etc.
This week sees the launch of it's first re brand since 1993. The channel has been as much a part of my television viewing as any other (while in Wales of course!)

Here is one of the new idents and in my opinion, Oh Dear!! Firstly what does it mean? Why, apart from the locations does this represent a Welsh language channel? Previous idents have included dragons spitting fire and more recently, well know object acting like dragons.
Secondly why use balloons, chairs and Frisbees, i can understand the buoys in a Welsh harbour. The Frisbees remind me of the BBC1 idents that use repeated similar shapes to created a circle.
The music then, is horrible, it makes my skin crawl. Maybe it was because I listened to it through YouTube but i find it spooky, uncomfortable and un-inspirational. It works well with the pictures!

Then the new logo for S4C appears on the screen, which will be used on all S4C products etc.
I think I need it explaining to me. Why the forward slash? Why lose the dragon's tounge?
Other than that it's not bad. The typeface is a little unimaginative but I can understand it's use in shaping the new direction S4C (or should I say S4/C) is taking.

"The new S4C brand reflects S4C’s agenda for creative excellence."
- Iona Jones, S4C Chief Executive

It will be interesting to see what viewers think of the new stuff.

I then visited the website to see what changes have occured there:
The word unimaginative comes to mind. Its plain and reminds me of the webdesign from 3 or 4 years ago. It isn't even very clear to navigate and the striaght lines of images clash with curved edges of boxes. One great feature, even though it didnt work on my computer is the downloadable programmes and serieses. Now I can watch the nice idents while I'm in England too!! The RSS feature is also a nice touch.

I find it shocking that although the main Channel4 has it's own creative agency that does all of its' adverts exclusivly (4creative) produce such stunning work when this is all that S4C can come up with. Design in Wales and especially the creative industries have exploded over the last few years. Cardiff is now one of the places to go for jobs in the industry and some amazing webdesign and creative houses in the bay especially.

Having ranted at the music, I've just walked away from my desk and found myseld whistling it!!

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