Saturday, January 13, 2007

The modern-day Swiss Army Knife

The Swiss Army Knife, it was one tool that did everything you could possibly need. Some had an array of blades, saws, pincers, pliers a tooth pick, tweezers, compass, spoon, fork, even something to remove stones from a horse's foot! I could go on but you get the idea. There was no job that couldnt be done by the trusty penknife in your pocket.

I believe we have a similar we have a similar tool that almost everybody carries today. The mobile phone revolutionised our world and as new models are released, manufacturers cram more and more things into them as they get smaller and smaller. Granted, it would take a while to chop a piece of wood with a mobile phone and i'm sure it would come off worse, but phones are equiped with all we need for the modern lifestyle. Calculator, diary, contact list, game console, stopwatch are among some of the things that have appeared on mobiles for years. Now we see phones with internet access, torches, cameras, radios, mp3 players, video players and more. Oh and did I mention it phones or texts people too!!

I remember talking to a friend of mine in an airport queue some years ago about the iPod and were dicussing how boring it actually was... all it did was play music! We wondered why, when mobile phones were starting to have cameras why iPods weren't showing or even taking photos. Surly this wasn't beyond the Apple Wizards. We also commented on one day all of these things, music player, phone, camera and of course all the things that come on your phone would be one unit. We we'rnt predicting the future, it wasn't long before phones were doing all 3 and my phone now (Sony Ericsson W810i) has these capabilities. I guess we were just ranting about why Apple's iPod didn't.

However maybe we were predicting the future, either that or there was an Apple executive in the same queue because they have unveiled the iPhone. A widescreen iPod, phone and internet explorer in one with a camera and high resolution screen for watching films. WOW!

Goto to find out more

Here is a short advert for it!!

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